Electrical Engineer, Cyber Security (purple hat), Drones & Robotics, Professor, And an entrepreneur

Canada Security CANSEC Demo Powered By IndroPilot

Tamimi August 01, 2022 [Professional] #Drone #Robots #Drone Delivery #platform #indropilot #BVLOS #UAV #5G #Cellular #Autonomy #ground station #SAR #ISR
cansec drone demo

Img1: Demo drone for CANSEC

What is CANSEC?


Img2: CANSEC Logo

CANSEC (Canadian Association of Defense and Security Industries) is the most significant defense industry trade show in Canada. It attracts experts from all sectors of the industry, from key prime contractors to supply chain representatives.1


The demonstration was part of a larger showcase led by Microsoft and Thales2, with our company participating as well. The companies showcased several products and demonstrated how telemetry feeds could be integrated into a real-time platform for further analysis. One such demonstration involved flying our drone (pictured above) over Cellular 5G with an ultra-reliable and low latency link, powered by the Indropilot platform.

The Thales team, located in Australia, received full drone telemetry, command and control (C2 Link), FHD video feeds, and other necessary sensor data such as GPS in real time, all with less than 50ms latency.

Cansec Demo

Img3: The realtimne Telem/C2 Link was going to the side of the globe, the operator was located in Australia while the drone in Canada, with 50ms latency

There were some technical aspects involved. For instance, I modified the telemetry feed with a new driver to separate the GPS data from other telemetry feeds at the request of the Thales team. However, I am unable to provide more details to avoid violating any NDA or agreement.

The demonstration was successful at CANSEC 2022!

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Thales Site